Trending Hacker News image

Trending Hacker News

I like to read the Hacker News daily, to find out what is going on in the tech scene.

After finding out that the hacker news API is public, I decided to use React Native to create a mobile app which I could use to read the top trending posts from.

At the moment the app is capable of reading the top trending posts from the hacker news public API, view comments and share posts.

You can view the app on Android or iOS by downloading the Expo app either through the App Store or the Google Play Store. With Android you can just open up the app and scan the QR Code, however with iOS you will need to visit the website link and click on the “open in Expo App” option.

Website: Expo

Tech Stack

  • React Native
  • JavaScript
  • Expo


  • Trending, Webview and a comment section screen
  • Share posts

Source Code


Trending Hacker News image
Trending Hacker News image
Trending Hacker News image